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Thirty years ago scientists began advising us about the earth warming too fast.
The public didn’t think global temperature rising by 1.5 degrees Celsius over the next 50 years was anything to be concerned about. Families were engaged in buying new homes, new cars and raising their children. Young adults were too busy partying to think about anything beyond the next four or five years of their lives. Dying at 21 wouldn’t be so bad as long as they died drunk or high. Live fast and die young was their motto. Anyone reaching the age of thirty was over the hill and out of it.
While the rich half of the world’s population grew in prosperity, wealth, and pleasure, the other half struggled to stay alive and find ways to feed their children. If they survived for the next year, let along the next 50, they would consider that a success.
In the early 1990s network news organizations were so busy with Panamanian leader
being captured by U. S. military forces in
, the
giving up power over the
government, the dissolution of the
being freed from prison,
Iraqi strongman
reunited and
resigning as British Prime Minister, that the news
of the unproven possibility of the Earth warming to the point of melting the polar icecaps and rising sea levels by two meters, was not really a valid news story.
American politicians were busy preparing for the
first Persian Gulf War, known as
Operation Desert Storm spending the Peace Dividend generated by the ending of the Cold War, and concentrating on their own reelection, that they had no time to worry about the distant future.
Twenty years ago scientists, frustrated with political inaction on Global Warming, began to go public with their concerns. If nothing was done, they said, weather events would become more extreme, the melting of the polar icecaps would accelerate, and low-lying islands such as Kiribati, The Maldives, Fiji. Palau, Micronesia, Tangier Island, Sarichef Island, and The Seychelles, to name a few,
would begin to be submerged by raising sea levels. And the Earth’s tropics are expanding poleward while the arid edges of the tropics are growing wider and dryer. This phenomenon can already be seen in the Mediterranean region, southern Australia and southern California.
Today, we are near, or maybe at the tipping point of global warming. If we pass that point of raising worldwide temperatures, we may be forced to go into a process of defense in a battle against an insurmountable enemy—seawater.
Ten years ago, we might have been able to mount a worldwide effort to reduce greenhouse gases to a point of stopping global warming, or maybe even reversing the trend. But now we have to scramble just to start a cooling process that will take decades to bring the earth back to a sustainable equilibrium.
In 1941 we were forced to face a different kind of global threat; world domination by Germany, Japan, and Italy. The Axis Powers,
as these three nations’ union was known, joined together to conquer every country, then divide the spoils into 3 spheres of control; the Far East and the Pacific region to go to Japan, Africa to Italy, and all the rest to Germany.
After December 7th, 1941
and for the next four years they poured their industrial resources and manpower into the conflict.
The cost to America was 4.7 trillion dollars (in today’s money adjusted for inflation)
and over 400,000 combat deaths.
With this sacrifice, and the sacrifices of all other free nations of the world, the Axis Powers were finally defeated.
Global warming is no less at threat to humanity than was the Axis Powers in World War II, and it may well be a much greater menace to the future of mankind.
400,000 soldiers cannot fight rising temperatures with guns and bombs. 4.7 trillion dollars won’t buy off an unsympathetic natural enemy.
World War II 2.0 will be fought and won by first reducing manmade greenhouse gasses to zero, then by shading the polar regions and pumping seawater onto the cooled poles to rebuild the icecaps.
Since politicians by their nature are primarily concerned with staying in office rather than risking their careers on unpopular projects, this huge effort will have to be accomplished by private industry.
“Profit motive” is a term sometimes used interchangeably with “greed”. That may well be true, but the profit motive also drives invention and innovation. If an individual or a group sees a way to make money by providing a service to mankind, then why not reward that person or group with a profit?
Windship Farm, Inc. was formed to advance a new approach to green energy production, but also with an eye toward future benefits to the shareholders.
Over 80 percent of the 4.7 trillion dollars spent by the U. S. government on winning World War II, came from private savings. American citizens were encouraged to spend their nest eggs on war bonds. If the bonds were held until the ten-year maturity, they paid the holder 2.7 percent interest.
If enough Angel Investors can be found to support Windship Farm to the point where the corporation can go public in an IPO on the stock market, the return could be much more than 2.7 percent, perhaps as much as 15 percent, and it would be paid out in much less than 10 years.
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